Scanning and Art Capture
The first step in fine art reproduction is to get a good digital copy of your original art. We can help! Whether it's direct flatbed scanning, fine art photographic capture, or film scanning, we have options to get the ebst quality digital image file from your original.

Art Scans
Art scans are typically the best means to digitally capture your original art. Any original that is relatively flat will scan well and achieve the highest possible level of detail in the digital image.
We can scan and almost any resolution, but the typical fine art reproduction requires a 360ppi image at 100% of the original size. If we know you'll be wanting enlargements, we are happy to over-scan your original to anywhere from 200%-800% (or whatever your project requires) at no extra charge.
Scans are charged by the size, and for a full fine-art reproduction workup, we include up to a half-hour of our imaging time (valued at $40!) with each scan. This imaging means you'll receive a digital file that has been retouched to remove dust, scratches, hairs or other abebrations in your original - and fully color corrected using our regularly calibrated professional scanning software and customized process for achieving accurate tonal and color renditions.
Art Photograpy
Original artwork that is either highly textured or glossy, or already framed behind glass, requires art photography for the capture process rather than flatbed scanning. By utilizing high-resolution digital capture with professional studio lights that are cross-polarized (polarizing filters on both lights and the lens), we can remove all apparent glare from the glossy, textured, or glass-covered areas that would otherwise result in loss of detail and tone.
Art capture is charged at the same rate as art scans, dependant on original size.

Batch Scanning and Archiving
With our batch scanning process, we can easily and rapidly archive many dozens or hunreds of original snapshot photo prints or documents, from 3x5 up to 8x10. Intial fees start at only $6 plus $0.25/scan.
Scans can be automatically uploaded to Dropbox or Google Drive for your convenience.
Batch Film Scanning
On our professional flatbed scanner, we can use the transparency unit to batch scan quanties of mounted slides or film negatives. Starting at $30 for 15 slides or negatives, we can scan about 30 at a time for up to 8x12 enlargements or simple contact sheets.
If there are singular frames worth enlarging further, we have options for that as well using a different scanning technology.
High Resolution Film Scanning
Since we began our fine art printing services before digital photography became the norm, we invested early on in the best film scanner available in the world. The Imacon 949 virtual drum film scanner set the standard for the highest resolution most accurate film scans.
With resolutions up to 6000dpi or more, we can get 300MB+ 16-bit files out of standard 35mm film frames.
Scans are charged at $0.50/MB for whatever size file you require.
Drawing and Plan Scanning
Our latest scanning option comes via our architectural plotter. With a full-color 36" roll scanner, we can easily create TIF, JPG or PDF files from engineering and archictural drawings, or even from flexible original artwork such as graphite or watercolor paintings!
Quick scans start at $6 for the first page.